Hi! My name is Max and I’m so glad you’re here.
There’s someone I want you to meet!

Inni is my intuition and she helps me make the right choices every day. Some people call their intuition their gut feeling, or inner voice. I call her my best friend Inni.

Inni lives inside a special place in my tummy that I call my Inniverse. You want to know something super extra special?

We ALL have our own best friend Inni! And our very own Inniverse!

Inni’s friends are Generosity, Harmony, Love, Kindness, Honesty and Courage.

Click to learn more about them!

There’s also the frenemies, Bully, Liar, Envy and Selfish. Inni thinks that we can all help them be more positive one day!
Here’s some stuff for you to have fun with!